Nick Allsop, Mark Bird, Michael Egglestone, Jimmy Gore, Jack Leech, Daniel Stubbs, Jack Seddon & Ross Sutherland
This group of players have a huge amount of leadership qualities, which is evident on and off the field and are very driven to get the best out of each other and every member of the senior squads. They are all high quality players too in their own right and certainly do fit the ‘role model’ category for our younger generation – something we as a club value significantly.
As a coaching staff we identify that we have something special at Sandbach, the amount of connectivity players have with each other and how well they know each other is something that sets us apart from other teams locally and within our league. To have this group of experienced players who are also a tight set of friends really does help us in the coaching processes.
Senior training (1/2/3rdXV) has begun and although we are restricted to current RFU & Government restrictions the energy and buzz around the club is infectious. We are having to split session due to high numbers (58 in total week one) wishing to train with forwards training Tuesday and backs on Thursday & we are seeing a high level of commitment & skill execution from all.
Although we do not have a start date for competitive fixtures the squad are certainly making the necessary preparations behind the scenes on and off the pitch.
If you wish to be a part of Sandbach RUFC get in touch;, 07966279168.